Unlocking the value of great stories
Strathsquare Point and independent film
In a world illuminated by the perpetual glow of screens, the future for great storytellers has never looked brighter. Streaming services and digital platforms have given independent filmmakers the chance to engage and entertain global audiences. As a committed financial supporter of creative entrepreneurs, Strathsquare Point finds and collaborates with brilliant independent filmmakers across markets. Through funding and media support, we help these companies turn their ideas and stories into successful commercial productions.
The Streaming Revolution
An incredible 85% of all US households are subscribed to at least one streaming service. In reality, many of today’s viewers spread their viewing habits across multiple platforms. As these services compete for our loyalty, the appetite for original content and new stories has become greater than ever. This hunger is providing independent film producers with incredible opportunities. International successes like “Squid Games” and “The Queen’s Gambit” are living testimony to the commercial value and borderless appeal of great ideas and storytelling. The rewards are not limited to mainstream productions alone. The diversity of content hosted by streaming services has brought niche genres and productions into the limelight. Documentaries like the hugely successful “Tiger King” would have struggled to reach the same viewing figures without the support of a streaming giant. By funding original voices in the film industry, we can give fresh talent and innovative thinkers the chance to be noticed. We have the power to turn ideas from beyond the mainstream into popular and commercially rewarding projects.
Bella Luna Productions
The independent film company Bella Luna Productions is one of Strathsquare Point’s most recent investment partnerships. Based in Marshalltown, Iowa, the company is committed to producing insightful, intelligent, entertaining film narratives for the US and the European markets. Influenced by the example of the Marshalltown-born actress Jean Seberg and her career in European cinema, Bella Luna Productions creates genre-defying films distinct from the mainstream. The brilliance and originality of the production team’s stories and thinking made Bella Luna Productions a perfect investment candidate for Strathsquare Point. We are determined to give Bella Luna’s stories the recognition and the audiences they deserve.
Finding commercial value beyond the mainstream
Finding value yet to be recognised by the mainstream market is a fundamental characteristic of Strathsquare Point’s investment philosophy. In addition to offering the greater ROI potential of any niche investment, these opportunities also allow us to support the development of young, diverse and genuinely original voices. By working with companies like Bella Luna Productions, Strathsquare Point is determined to find and champion stories that have the power to enrich global audiences and our investors in equal measure.
Strathsquare is a seed stage project initiator that provides required resources to entrepreneurs and innovators. We are driven by a sense of urgency to transition away from unsustainable technologies and processes, we believe that what we do should have a genuinely positive impact on society and our environment.
If you have an innovative idea
We are committed to supporting innovators who have the potential to make businesses more sustainable and for all.